No Fail Recipes

Month: October 2017

How to Select the Most Flavorful Melon

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Most people cringe when confronted with choosing the perfect melon. Choosing right, your honeydew, cantaloupe, casabas, or watermelon with be full of sweet juicy flavor, and the wrong one, totally flavorless.

Melon flavor is directly linked to sugar development. Once a melon is picked from the vine, it ceases to sweeten. For the best flavor, melons must be picked when fully ripe, because that is when their sugar levels are at their peak. “Ripening” off the vine will typically not develop more flavor. Should you buy a melon “off season?” Since sugar development is dependent on hot weather, which typically occurs at summer’s end, you take greater risk at finding a flavorful melon.

Here are 4 tips to selecting the best melon:

Weight: The densest melons – that is the heaviest ones for their size, have the most sugar and therefore the most flavor.

Smell: Yes, smell your melon! It should be sweet and aromatic. When smelling a melon, do so from the stem end.

Knock-Knock: Yes, knocking on your fruit will tell you if it is sweet. If it has a hollow dull thump, the sweeter it is. Hard thuds, not so sweet.

Appearance: Generally look for smooth skin with consistent colors, except for the side that laid on the ground. And if it looks or feels a little soft, the melon is probably not good anymore.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask your grocer to help you select the best fruit.

Now for a bit of trivia, did you know – melons are not only fruits but more specifically, they are berries, just very large ones.

    How to Tell If Your Avocado is Perfectly Ripe?

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    Think about coming home from the grocery store, looking forward to that beautiful smooth and creamy avocado you just bought and you want to eat right away. Then, to your surprise – its ripened past its prime or its too young and not ripe enough. The thing is, avocado’s don’t ripen on the tree, they only ripen once picked. Here are 3 tips to pick the best avocado:

    General appearance: The color and texture of a ripe avocado are uniform. If skin color varies or has block spots it may be spoiled. There should be no “divots”, another sign your avocado has gone bad.

    Firmness: Press gently on the fruit to make sure it is ripe enough. There should be just a slight give to the texture. If you don’t feel much resistance, the avocado may be too ripe. If too much resistance, it may not be ripe enough.

    Color: If under the stem, its yellow or light green, it means your avocado is not ripe enough but if it is brown, it likely has ripened beyond its usefulness.

    Like most fruits, avocado’s have relatively short shelf life, maybe one to three days if stored on the counter. Maybe a couple of more days in the refigerator. If you put the avocado closed bag on the counter, it will ripen faster.

    If you live in California or Florida, maybe the best idea is to plant your own avocado tree.

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