No Fail Recipes


A Definitive Guide to Pairing Wine with Vegetables

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Wine Pairing with Vegetables

If you thought pairing wine with fruit is challenging, pairing a wine with vegetables is even more so.  Many vegetables have, such as asparagus and artichokes, and particularly green vegetables, have particular chemicals that interact poorly with many wines.  In addition, there can be an enormous difference between a raw vegetable and one that is roasted.

Check the table below for some of the best wine and vegetable pairings.

VegetablesWhite WineRed Wine
ArtichokesMuscadet, Sauvignon BlancBourdeaux
AsparagusGrüner Veltliner, Riesling, Sancerre, Sauvignon Blanc
Bean, lentilsSyrah (Shiraz), Merlot, Chianti Classico, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel, Côte du Rhône
Bell PeppersBeaujolais
Brussels SproutsRieslingPinot Noir
ChardPinot GrisGamay, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese
CornChardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc
Eggplant, AubergineDry RoséChianti, Syrah
HummusAlbariño, Chenin BlancMerlot, Pinot Noir
KaleRiesling, Sancerre
MushroomsDry Sherry
Pinot Noir
OlivesFino sherrySparkling Brut Rosé
OnionsGewürztraminer, Pinot Gris
Roasted/Grilled VegetablesViognierMerlot, Syrah, Zinfandel
TomatoesSauvignon BlancSangiovese
TrufflesChampagneBarolo, French Burgundy, Syrah
ZucchiniBeaujolais, Sangiovese

A Definitive Guide to Pairing Wine with Fruit

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Friut platter and wine

Pairing wine with fruit can be challenging but a great pairing can create an absolutely phenomenal experience.  Some pairings are pretty obvious like strawberries and champagne.  Others, much less so such as apples and a Cabernet.

The chart below makes the process of choosing a great pairing easier.

FruitWhite WineRed Wine
ApplesAsti Spumante, Champagne, Chardonnay, White ZinfandelCabernet
ApricotsChenin Blanc
AvocadosAlbariño, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc
BananasGewürztraminer, Madeira, Sauternes,Sauvignon BlancMerlot
BlackberriesMuscat, Riesling, SancerreChâteauneuf-du-Pape, Sangiovese, Rioja, Tempranillo, Zinfandel
BlueberriesAsti Spumante
CherriesMuscatPinot Noir, Port
FigsSherryChianti, Port, Syrah
GuavaRiesling, SancerreRioja, Sangiovese
Mangos Vouvray
Barolo, Barbaresco, Bardolino
MelonsIce Wine, Muscat, VouvrayBarolo, Barbaresco, Bardolino
OrangeOrange Muscat
PeachesAsti Spumante, Champagne, Chardonnay, Sweet Rieslings from Germany or AlsaceBeaujolais, Bourgueil
PearsAsti Spumante, Chardonnay, White ZinfandelBordeaux
PineappleIce Wine, German Riesling, Sauterne
PlumsBeaujolais, Bordeaux, Bouscueil, Merlot, Tempranillo
StrawberriesChampagne, Ice Wine, Sweet Muscat
TomatoesSauvignon Blanc
WatermelonRose Champagne



No Fail Recipes